Key Advantages
Technical Performance
Expert shock absorption set up to provide protection for occupants in harsh conditions
Low Cost
Protect your crew whilst meeting budget requirements
Low Weight
Allows retro fitting of existing vessels already operating at their weight limit
Small Form
Designed to fit in existing seat space
Suitable for use in all conditions, including extreme temperatures and combat
Simple Design
Understanding of operation and parts obvious to all users
Safety in Use
Finished edges, rounded corners and protection from moving parts provide safety in operation
Simple checks during routine servicing. Easy replacement of parts in-situ
Long service life
Operation life equivalent of current seats or the life of the boat
Integrated Impact Exposure Monitoring
Dyena Acceleration Recorder provides health monitoring data for complying with latest regulations
Expert shock absorption set up to provide protection for occupants in harsh conditions
Low Cost
Protect your crew whilst meeting budget requirements
Low Weight
Allows retro fitting of existing vessels already operating at their weight limit
Small Form
Designed to fit in existing seat space
Suitable for use in all conditions, including extreme temperatures and combat
Simple Design
Understanding of operation and parts obvious to all users
Safety in Use
Finished edges, rounded corners and protection from moving parts provide safety in operation
Simple checks during routine servicing. Easy replacement of parts in-situ
Long service life
Operation life equivalent of current seats or the life of the boat
Integrated Impact Exposure Monitoring
Dyena Acceleration Recorder provides health monitoring data for complying with latest regulations